
How To Compost Wood Chips Fast

How To Compost Wood Chips Fast

Turning Wood Into Compost: How To Compost Wood Chips Fast?

Wood and chipped bark have an extremely slow rate of natural decomposition. Depending on the size of the chips, this can take several months. The chemically complex Lignin present in wood provides a physical barrier against enzymatic decomposition by bacteria and fungi. However, there are ways to speed up the process. Whether it is the occasional rotten fence post or sawdust and wood shavings, with the tips in this article, you will be able to compost wood in no time. So let’s dig right in.

The Natural Decomposition Of Wood

Wood is the most abundant organic matter present on earth. As such, the decomposition and decay of wood is an important aspect of the biogeochemical carbon cycle. Fungi are considered the first agents of wood decay. Common species such as wet rot fungus and jelly rot fungus are known for their role in assisting wood decomposition. These fungi help break down the tough lignin present in wood.

Other detritivores such as bacteria and invertebrates such as beetle larvae, woodlice and millipedes also play a critical role in the process.

In contrast to softer organic matter, the decomposition of wood is tougher and takes longer periods of time. Fungi and bacteria rapidly consume available nitrogen while decomposing wood, which upsets the nitrogen-carbon balance of the compost. This further slows down the decomposition processes and lowers the temperature of the compost heap below optimum temperatures. So, how to compost wood chips fast?

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How To Use A Compost Tumbler

How To Use A Compost Tumbler

End Your Backyard Farming Woes By Learning How To Use A Compost Tumbler

Backyard farming using household items is an interesting thing to do. People collect organic wastes, accumulate food scraps, and even buy manure to prepare compost for their backyard farm. However, many of them are still not able to get the desired results. The problem lies with the structuring of the compost pile. If organic matter is not set in layers and turned regularly, the compost will take more time to form. For this reason, using compost tumblers can give better results than conventional compost piles. In this article, let us understand how to use a compost tumbler to prepare high-quality compost.

Types Of Compost Tumblers

With backyard farming becoming popular, manufacturers have started producing different types of compost tumblers. These compost tumblers help in small-scale compost production with limited resources. Three types of compost tumblers are available in the market today.

1. Continuous Compost Tumblers

Continuous compost tumblers are the most suitable for backyard composting. You need to add kitchen waste, yard scraps, and other organic material to the compost tumbler, continuously throughout the year.

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How To Compost Leaves

How To Compost Leaves

5 Simple Steps On How To Compost Leaves: The Complete Guide!

Environmentalists have recommended composting as a sustainable way of life, for many years now. Not only is it extremely beneficial for Mother Nature, but it is a great way of saving money. On top of that, compost is a thousand times better than any chemical fertilizer, to improve the quality of your garden visibly.

Composting also reduces greenhouse gas emissions and infuses the soil with nutrients and minerals. The process includes using a variety of organic materials found in every household, significantly reducing the amount of waste generated by a single home. In our article, we will tell you how to compost leaves, a basic component that makes for excellent compost.

Any person with a respectable garden will have fallen leaves lying on the ground, all year round. While fallen leaves decompose naturally into the soil, they can be collected and put to better use. Dead leaves and twigs are an essential part of any compost; this ensures that no part of your garden goes to waste.

Before we start talking about how to compost leaves, let us take a look at all the substances you can turn into compost. Any compost consists of three major components.

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How Does Compost Work?

How Does Compost Work?

The Science Behind Composting: How Does Compost Work?

Everything organic will inevitably decay at some point of time. This is thanks to the trillions of microorganisms thriving on decaying detritus in every nook and cranny of our environment.

Composting is basically a process that utilizes the inherent abilities of these microorganisms to speed up the process of natural decay. According to the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture), this is achieved by providing an ideal environment for detritus feeding microorganisms to thrive.

If all of this sounds confusing to you, read on as we break down the science behind composting and how every household can use it to pave the way to a more sustainable future.

Why Is Composting Essential?

The United States alone generates approximately 210 million tons of trash (solid waste) each year. Most of this trash gets placed in municipal landfills. These landfills take up a huge amount of space and also release methane, one of the most potent greenhouse gases.

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How To Make Compost Tea

How To Make Compost Tea

Brewing The Liquid Gold Of Gardening : How To Make Compost Tea?

Compost tea has been hailed as the liquid gold of gardening, a magical elixir that makes plants grow faster, healthier and more vibrant. Many gardeners swear by these benefits of compost tea. This concoction of organic matter is carefully brewed to give your soil a boost towards optimum health. If you too are intrigued by the concept and want to find out how to make compost tea for your own garden, we are here to help you.
What Is Compost Tea?

Basically, compost tea is a liquid organic fertilizer for your houseplants, flowers, fruits and vegetables. Compost tea carries within it concentrated nutrients and plant friendly aerobic bacteria, fungi and nematodes. The liquid is a nutritionally rich, well-balanced organic supplement made for your plants by steeping aged compost in water.

Compost tea is a great way to love your plants naturally. This mild liquid fertilizer can be used at any time of the year to boost the overall health of your garden. What is great about compost tea is that you can make your own right at home, with some fresh well-matured, finely broken down compost. If you wish to know more about natural composts then you should look at organic composts.

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How To Compost

How To Compost

How To Compost – The Complete Guide

There is a dire need to preserve the environment at this moment. What better way to start the revolution at home than to make your own compost? It will reduce waste and help maintain your garden. The question is – how to compost? This article will cover all you need to know about composting.

What Is Compost?

Before learning how to make compost, we must first know what compost really is.

Compost is a mixture of different types of organic waste, like vegetable peels, seeds, etc. It is also known as a ‘soil conditioner’ since it is rich in nutrients, and when mixed with soil, it acts as a fertilizer.


  • The process of Composting is basically the disposal of compost in the soil. In the oxygen-rich conditions of the land, the compost decomposes naturally and acts as manure to the soil.
  • The earthworms, bacteria, and other organisms in the soil are the prime decomposers.

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How Much Compost Do I Need

How Much Compost Do I Need

Tired Of Asking ‘how Much Compost Do I Need For My Soil?’ Here’s A Guide To Solve All Your Problems.

People who do commercial farming, or those who grow plants in their small house gardens, take great interest in knowing more about composts. Compost helps in enriching the soil’s nutrient composition. It helps obtain better yields of vegetables and fruits, and accelerates the growth of flowers, crops, etc. To obtain these remarkable gains, people start adding a lot of compost for faster results.

While adding compost does help, the calculation for using compost should be appropriate to reap such benefits. You may have questions like ‘how much compost do I need’ or ‘what amount of compost is excess?’. This article aims to answer all your doubts and guide you about the use of compost.

Benefits Of Compost

Using compost provides several benefits, which we shall discuss further. However, neither does excessive use of compost guarantee these benefits, nor is it very healthy for the soil.

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How To Compost Chicken Manure

How To Compost Chicken Manure?

How To Compost Chicken Manure?

It is possible that if you own chicken and other poultry, you might be earning well by selling eggs and other products. However, what if we tell you that your chicken can add to your income further?

Any average sized chicken can produce up to one cubic foot of manure every day. If you compost this chicken manure and add it to the soil, you can enhance the soil health and grow crops commercially. Therefore, we will teach you how to compost chicken manure and use it to develop your vegetable garden.

Why Compost Chicken Manure?

Unlike other animal’s manure and excreta, chicken manure is too strong and cannot be used in its raw form to grow vegetables and fruits. Chicken manure is known to damage the roots of the plant permanently. However, the compost prepared from chicken manure with hot composting techniques can enrich the soil with essential nutrients.

The benefits of using chicken manure compost are:

  • Chicken manure compost helps in reducing the percolation in the soil and helps it in retaining more water.
  • The compost made out of chicken manure has a higher quantity of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as compared to the manure of cows and horses. These nutrients fertilize the soil naturally.

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How Often To Turn Compost

How Often To Turn Compost

How Often To Turn Compost: Everything You Need To Know

While composting is great for your garden, the process itself can be quite tedious and time-consuming. Turning your compost heap is a great way to aerate it and substantially speed up the decomposition process. But, how often do you really need to be turning your compost pile to get the best results. Let’s find out.

The Benefits Of Turning Your Compost

Let’s start off with a simple lesson in biology. There are basically two types of bacteria you will find in your compost pit- aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. Aerobic bacteria are super efficient at breaking down the organic waste you dump into the compost. They do, however, require oxygen to thrive and metabolize.

On the other hand anaerobes proliferate in oxygen deprived environments. However, these microorganisms aren’t efficient at decomposing organic compounds. They excrete toxic substances like hydrogen sulfide in the process, which can result in a rather unpleasant smell.

Several problems can create an anaerobic environment in your compost heap. This oxygen deprivation can lead to dwindling populations of aerobic bacteria, slowing down the process of decomposition. Turning your compost can help eliminate most of these problems. Let’s see how

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How To Compost Horse Manure

How To Compost Horse Manure

How To Compost Horse Manure

If you own a horse, you must know that horses excrete up to fifty pounds of manure every day. This amounts to approximately eight tons of manure yearly. If you do not dispose of this waste in a timely manner, you will end up with a giant heap of manure in your stable. Composting horse manure is the conventional method of managing it effectively. Therefore, in this article, we shall teach you how to compost horse manure.

Steps To Compost Horse Manure

1. Choose A Location

Choosing the appropriate location for composting is crucial for good results. The site for composting should have access to resources like sunlight and water. Most people prefer composting sites that are near wells or a direct water supply. In general, the location of the composting site should be such that you have easy access to it, and can monitor the progress regularly.

2. Binning Or Piling

Next, you need to decide whether you want to make the compost by the bin method or the pile method. While both these methods are successful in decomposing organic matter and producing compost, the bin method is more sophisticated and easy to manage. However, the traditional pile method, where you make five to six layers of organic matter and lay them in the open, can be useful if you need to compost horse manure in bulk.

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DIY Compost Bin

DIY Compost Bin

DIY Compost Bin

Right now, more than ever, we must do our bit for the environment. Every action we take has an impact on the earth. So, it is essential that we make a few eco-friendly changes to our daily lives, in order to protect our planet’s future.

What better way to start than composting? All the food waste that you organize and dispose of, can be converted into a compost which has multiple advantages. The best part about composting is that you can build it up from scratch with very little help.

We are here to provide you all the extra information you might need before starting your own compost project. In this article we will tell you how to make a DIY compost bin in case you don’t have sufficient space to dig a hole. DIY compost bins are easy to make, and even easier to manage. These can be a second addition to having something like countertop compost bins and compost tumblers.

Composting requires very little skill; all you have to do is collect all your biodegradable plant waste, from vegetable peels and fruit cores to all the dead leaves and twigs from your garden. Then add a little water to the mix and, after a certain period of time, you will have your very own nutrient rich compost. This also works as a great fertilizer for your garden.

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Best Kitchen Compost Bins

Best Kitchen Compost Bins

Best Kitchen Compost Bins 2020: Reviews & Buyer’s Guide

Do you know why compost bins are used in a kitchen? Well, this is done to reduce excess waste of solids and to make your own natural compost to grow plants or indulge in kitchen gardening at home. To make our environment healthy, we need to preserve resources by resorting to solid waste management and you can easily implement that with best kitchen compost bin. However, to go green, you need a right mindset to embrace new habits.

It requires superior planning and change in lifestyle. Well, composting is not only stunning for your garden but also for our mother nature. Are you an enthusiast for home composting? This is the high time you can fully commit yourself to recycle your remnant food scraps.

Therefore, the best kitchen compost bin would be the smartest storage solution for all kinds of vegetable and fruit leftovers. With no further delay, let’s delve into this article to see the various best indoor compost bin.

Top 10 Best Kitchen Compost Bins 2020

1. Cooler Kitchen Oversized Compost Bin

A compost bin is the simplest way to convert food leftovers and garbage into garden gold. If you have been looking for the best compost bin kitchen, then you should go with this product. Keep your trash into this compost bins and you can yourself produce top-notch soil for gardening.

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Best Countertop Compost Bins

Best Countertop Compost Bins

Best Countertop Compost Bins 2020: Reviews & Buyer’s Guide

It is necessary to keep our home neat and clean, and kitchen is the vital part of our house where we need to maintain our personal hygiene.

Here, we cook, eat and store ingredients for cooking, and any bacterial infection spread in our kitchen can get the access of our stomach. 80% of the solid household waste are deposited and recycled in landfills. This waste pollutes our land, water, and air and is also breeding ground for pests and bacteria.

As a responsible citizen, it is our duty to maintain the environment and we should recycle such household waste in a proper manner. In this case, countertop binds can help us a lot. These bins can compost almost all the kitchen waste into organic fertilizer. But, hundreds of varieties of the countertop compost bin are available in the market and choosing the right one is really difficult.

If you are looking to buy  best countertop compost bin, you will have landed on the right page.

Here we have shortlisted and reviewed the top 10 Countertop Compost Bins available online and are far better than their counterparts.

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Best Organic Composts

Best Organic Composts

Best Organic Composts 2020: Reviews & Buyer’s Guide

Composting essentially nourishes the soil and helps the plants directly to grow healthily and in a fast process. Composting is therefore an integral part of gardening, whether you choose best organic compost. There has been a global spurt in organic composting concept.

Chemical composts are being replaced with organic composts in several gardening efforts, since chemicals tend to lower soil micronutrients and minerals etc., even more they also affect adversely the organisms living inside soil, worms, etc., impacting the ecosystem adversely.

However, most people now-a-days prefer to buy best organic compost in order to effectively add nutritional value to the soil with essential extracts of decomposed vegetables, flowers, animal wastes, and bones, etc.

Therefore, if you are planning to enrich your garden soil with organic composts, here is a helpful buyer’s list of top 10 organic compost brands available in the market in order to make your garden fill with flora and fauna.

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Best Backyard Composters

Best Backyard Composters

Best Backyard Composters 2020: Reviews & Buyer’s Guide

Many of us who you have a garden or want to grow your vegetables can understand the importance of nutrient-rich compost or fertilizers. The homemade organic compost makes flower beds or vegetables healthier. Not only this, but you will also save tons of garbage from going to landfills.

You will be surprised to know an average household produces 20% of waste from yard and food scraps. Most of our food waste goes to commercial composting facilities, and then you buy your waste from the market to make your soil nutritious. The thing is, you can make your compost from your kitchen scraps and yard waste with the help of best backyard composter.

Thus, we have shortlisted ten best backyard composters after carefully reviewing each one. We have also added some more useful information to make your selection easy.

Top 10 Best Backyard Composters 2020

1. FCMP IM4000 Tumbling Composter

If you want to avoid mixing and digging the compost by hand, this tumbler should be the first preference. It will allow you to combine the compost easily without any hard work. If you turn around the tumbler 5-6 times in 2-3 days during a hot sunny climate, the compost will be ready in two weeks. The product comes with large openings and removable door that makes adding scraps and removing compost easy.

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Best Composts For Garden

Best Composts For Garden

Best Composts For Garden 2020: Reviews & Buyer’s Guide

Solid waste management has become a serious concern for many countries in the recent years. Since the idea of sustainable living is getting popular, a few companies have advertised the use of composters for processing solid waste, and it won the hearts. Using composters can be described as one of the best ways to handle the solid waste of the household, and having a lush green garden to show off.

If you are looking for a composter that can make the best compost  for garden, then you have the option to choose from continuous composters, batch composters, or indoor composters, according to your specific requirements.

People often write to us asking suggestions for investing in the best composters. If you are also looking for the same, you should not miss this list of top 10 compost bins in 2020, along with their features, pros and cons.

Top 10 Best Composts For Garden 2020 

1. Fcmp Black Outdoor Tumbling Composter

37 Gallon Black Outdoor Tumbling Composter from FCMP is an 8 sided dual-chamber tumbling composter that is designed to offer the highest convenience. If you are searching for an efficient composter bin, then this can be a great choice.

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Best Compost Tumblers

Best Compost Tumblers

Best Compost Tumblers 2020: Reviews & Buyer’s Guide

Keeping the garden well-maintained and well-nourished is essential for your plants. The compost is one of the key ingredients that play a crucial role in ensuring a healthy garden. The thing is you do not have to rush to buy compost; instead, prepare the compost at home using compost tumbler. Of course, the challenge is to find the best compost tumbler in the market, which will make the task of composting easy and simplified.

You will come across many compost tumbler bin when it comes to choosing one of the best composters. No doubt, too many options can be baffling. In this article, we bring you key pointers to choose the best compost tumblers and critical factors that come in handy for the right purchase.

Top 10 Best Compost Tumblers 2020

1. Ejwox Large Composting Tumbler

Are you looking for the best tumbler composter? Your search comes to an end with this large composting tumbler by EJWOX. This tumbler excels in all aspects, right from the built to its ease of usage. EJWOX has laid particular emphasis on creating a well-aerated composter that allows easy flow of air. Moreover, the tumbling features will enable you to mix the material without getting your hands dirty. The two-chamber tumbler allows easy filling and removal of compost.

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Best Worm Composters

Best Worm Composters

Best Worm Composters 2020: Reviews & Buyer’s Guide

A worm composting bin or composter is designed to create a fine compost that is perfect for your garden. Today, there is a growing demand for the worm composters, as they can make the best organic fertilizers with the worm castings. As there are endless models of composters of different makes and kinds, how does one make out the best worm composter among those?

Well, this is the reason why we have put together this buyer’s guide to help you pick the right composter and make the perfect choice as per your needs. As each composter is different in size, features, and functionalities, one should look for a design that is easy to maintain and efficient in performance.

Why not start by having a look at some of the top worm composters that are out there in the market and popular among the buyers because of quality composting.

Top 10 Best Worm Composters 2020

1. Worm Factory 360 Composting System

The Worm Factory 360 composting system enjoys a high rating among the customers and helps you to convert all that kitchen and paper waste into nutrient-rich compost. The entire process of composting is simple, fast, and easy with this device that boasts of a thermosiphon airflow design and an expandable-tray size. This is indeed one of the largest volumes of home composters.

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Best Compost Bins

Best Compost Bins

Best Compost Bins 2020: Reviews & Buyer’s Guide

Wouldn’t it be deeply satisfying to adopt an environment-friendly way to get rid of garbage? Well, seldom do we care about such long-term vision, but composting is something that will keep your garden clean and plants healthy and help you in getting rid of leftover food and other wastes, which can be degraded to create good-quality of organic manure for your garden.

Well, you don’t have to dig up your yard to prepare compost. With the help of the best compost bins available in the market, preparing compost has become a run to the mill. Herein, we will also be highlighting the best composters and a few tips that you must consider before buying a compost bin.

Top 10 Best Compost Bins 2020

1. Fcmp Outdoor IM4000 Tumbling Composter

Are you a beginner who is willing to prepare compost starting from scratch, then this composter by FCMP Outdoor is an excellent choice for you. With 37 gallon capacity, this composter will suffice your yard’s manure requirement.

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